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Sendungsdatum: 11.03.2024
19:59:49 F/A/V - Bialek (Neuabmischung Ohne Interessante Bezeichnung)
19:52:45 Electro Assassin - Godfear (Alterative Simulation)
19:47:05 AD:keY - Tell Me Nothing (Brigade Werther Remix)
19:41:51 Front 242 - Work 242
19:40:34 Project: Altmark Electros - EBM-Armee
19:36:32 Batch ID - Aldrig Ändra Dig
19:30:37 Faderhead - Dirtygrrrls Dirtybois (Remix by SITD)
19:23:46 Carphax Files - Another Chance To Kill
19:20:50 DAF / DOS - Ich Und Die Wirklichkeit
19:15:14 eHpH - Tarnished
19:09:50 Bedlam Emotion - Journey
19:04:32 Leæther Strip - Fit For Flogging
18:58:50 Fatal Morgana - The Unchangeable Image
18:53:51 Dage-Gen - Kontrolle
18:48:07 Freunde Der Technik - Spiel Deinen Hit (Leukert&Wolff Remix 2019)
18:41:14 Abstinence - Mindgames
18:34:13 Fortification 55 - Changing My Exist
18:31:06 EkoBrottsMyndigheten - Bockwurst
18:26:59 Camping Im Keller - Der Meister
18:22:59 Elite! - Totenkopf (Frontal Remix)
18:16:57 D.N.S. - Factory (Remix)
18:12:13 F.O.D. - Let's Fly Tonight (Remember Farout Mix)
18:08:17 Abscess - Victims
18:03:59 BÄR as in... electronic berzerker! - No Name No Future