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Sendungsdatum: 12.02.2024
20:00:49 Dismantled - Thanks For Everything
19:56:11 Plastic Noise Experience - Dream Destructor (Technoir Remix)
19:52:50 Brainclaw - Strike
19:46:25 Zombie Girl - We Are The Ones (Rooting Corpse Mix By IOC-SEB)
19:41:04 Insekt - Isolated
19:36:54 Spetsnaz - Dead To Rights
19:32:29 Container 90 - Showdown
19:27:16 Faderhead - O/H Scavenger
19:21:09 Nitzer Ebb - Getting Closer (Black Strobe EBM Homage)
19:17:36 Sturm Café - Schweiss, Bier Und Stahl
19:12:34 Amnistia - Headfake
19:07:10 Vigilante - The Other Side (Funker Vogt Remix)
19:01:12 Leæther Strip - Slam (Fist Fight At Tekno Club Mix)
18:57:38 EkoBrottsMyndigheten - Gudstjänst Part 1
18:52:35 Cesium:137 - Phoenix
18:46:04 Groupe T - 19th October 1919
18:42:04 Schwefelgelb - Bella Donna (Mattes Mix)
18:37:52 Digital Factor - Superlife
18:32:53 Orange Sector - Kalt Wie Stahl (Stainless Steel)
18:29:03 Mind:State - Belief
18:21:24 Ada - I Love Asphalt
18:14:58 Tactical Sekt - Stone Hard Agony
18:08:22 Black Lung - Concrete Octopus (Sir Real's Rancid Rebuild)
18:04:17 Tyske Ludder - Khaled Aker