« zurückDie MenschMaschine (Irionik)
Sendungsdatum: 06.05.2024
19:54:52 Tribantura - Lack Of Sense (Razormaid Mix)
19:49:10 Binary Park - She's Insane (Dominatrix Remix)
19:41:23 Robotiko Rejekto - Injection (Extraterrestial Edit)
19:34:27 Nitzer Ebb - Control I'm Here (The Hacker Mix)
19:27:33 Amnistia - Bursting Into Life
19:20:59 Trylok - Waves (Remix By Anstalt)
19:13:09 Inertia - Truster
19:03:21 Controlled Fusion - Psychological Way
18:56:29 Leæther Strip - Strap Me Down Again
18:47:48 Front Line Assembly - Infra Red Combat
18:41:00 Schwefelgelb - Der Pool Schweigt (Kontravoid Remix)
18:35:55 8kHz Mono - 30-56-99 (GHz Remix)
18:27:14 Mind.In.A.Box - What Used To Be (Long Storm)
18:20:33 Pyrroline - Cureless
18:13:46 E-Craft - Blast Zone
18:05:55 Trilogy - Combat Surfer (Wide Ocean)
17:59:01 Aiboforcen - Confusion (Pride & Fall Mix)