« zurückNouvelle Vague (SaarTYR)
Sendungsdatum: 12.04.2024
Nightcrawler Music- Destroy Me (Feat. S Y Z Y G Y X)
Denuit - Skeletons
Sad Madona - Idole Feat. Mega Sega Drive Club (Skelesys Remix)
RatPajama - Pure Desire
Andromeda_band_ - Fantasmas
Kalte Nacht- The Last Breath
Aux animaux - Night
Yakima Jera - Dry Cake
Living Temples - Lamb Among Wolves
Street Fever - Fate
SDH - Semiotics Department Of Heteronyms- Talk In Dreams
SEXSOMNIA - Catharsis
Paradox Obscur - Dark Fortress
Menthüll- Dance Cabaret
Odonis Odonis - Scapegoat (ft. Patriarchy)
Twin Tribes - Monolith
SHAD SHADOWS - Velvet Electric
Sydney Valette - Fight Back
RAVM - Deux
Plague Pits - Ghost Acreage
Andy Oppenheimer & Crystalline Stricture - Ballad Of Artemis & Orion
REPLICANT - Hellbound
Ceremony Shadows - Resistance
Pixel Grip - Soft Peaks
NNHMN - Hungrige Liebe
Symptom.error - She